Purpose: To offer intercessory prayer and comfort to those in need of prayer through the creation and giving of prayer shawls.
Be Prayerful & Be Serving
We don't just knit or crochet, we pray! While creating each shawl, we offer intercessory prayer. The shawls represent God's love for each and every one of us. Anyone in our community can give away one of our shawls to someone needing prayer.
We meet regularly for prayer, fellowship, and knit/crochet shawls.
All levels of experience are welcome. To join or learn more about our ministry, contact us.
If you know of someone suffering from an illness, the aging process, or needing emotional care, prayer shawls are available for sharing. Stop by the parish office during office hours to pick one up. St. Gabriel also has sewn blankets available from the Prayer Blanket Ministry.