EMERGENCIES: In the event of an emergency (and needing the assistance of a priest) after business hours, please contact the St. Gabriel answering service. (972) 632-2357 Location: DirectionS
THIS WEEK Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines CASA Collection Drive , Feb. 12-25 Bishop's Annual Appeal No Early Childhood Programs this weekend Funeral for Priscilla Zambrano, Feb. 20, Rosary: 10:30 AM...
THIS WEEK Bishop's Annual Appeal Leadership Summit, Feb. 8, 10:00 AM Sausage and Tamale Sale after morning Masses Bring Your Baby Banks Back Donate Online here CASA Collection Drive , Feb. 12-25...
THIS WEEK Bishop Kelly at morning Masses on Sunday, Feb. 2 Reception after the 11:30 AM Mass Marriage Enrichment Dance , Feb. 1, 7:00 PM Blood Drive, Feb. 2 Baby Banks are due Feb. 1-2, Feb. 8-9...